FLINK Solutions

FLINK Core Values

Value of FLINK

“Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with a passion,” values and culture are the base of which great companies are built. Even Albert Einstein said that one should try to be a person of values, rather than a person of success, but why not as a company aim for both? What makes FLINK unique? Well, FLINK is more than a company that offers outsourcing in insurance. As a company looking for the best outsourcing companies, one of the crucial things is a company’s core values. Before you make any decisions, let us show you FLINK. We are individuals who are grouped together, forming a unity. A team. Each of us has their own talent, equipping our team. So that all of us combined are a force to be reckoned with.

Due to FLINK’s selective hiring process, we are the best in what we do. FLINK saw in us our talents, sometimes before us knowing, and gave us a chance while utilizing us in the best aspect. We have mentioned before that what sets up apart as a team is our desire for our client’s success. Our values are integrity, creativity, responsibility, teamwork, and excellence. Those values are exemplified internally, and as a result externally, as well. No better example can showcase this rather than us implementing this with ourselves on a microcosmic level. We encourage our team to showcase their talents and there is always room for growth, advancement and development. When you build your employees, they build your company.

Having FLINK on Your Team; An Asset

Any company can hire an outsourcer, but what if that outsourcer adds value more than being on the receiving end of tasks? We add more value to our clients in two perspectives: one on what is already being handed to us and the other is being two steps ahead; how? Well, we add value in process improvement. We notice, we see things and we investigate, because we care. When we notice any abnormalities, we notify you. Being firsthand in the battlefield; however, we came prepared. FLINK is the weapon you never knew you needed. We, also, suggest and improve processes, as we go along. We have your back, in case anything is out of the usual. Using systematic approach, out of many, to change things when needed, and deliver more than what is expected.

We had instances, where due to COVID some changes were happening either in carrier portals or within the work itself, without a client brokerage of ours knowing. We investigated the situation and notified our client, briefing them of everything related to the occurrences. In addition to that, we faced an issue with one of the systems once and sent to the parties involved; in order not to lose valuable time though, we solved the malfunction, only to receive the same solution from the entities concerned later. We notice and see the bigger picture, sometimes preventing ordeals from happening.

A Closer Look on How We Use Our Values

“Hire great people and give them freedom to be awesome.” – Andrew Mason, Founder, GrouponHere you get to see how our people maneuver through daily work using our values. Nour is among our new business submission team of reviewers and a tremendous advisor, while Mageed is our training expert and our eyes when it comes to checking our quality rates.


A part of what we do as a documentation officers is to check and confirm the integrity of the documents submitted by brokers to limit errors and omissions. Our responsibility as documentation officers is to review new submissions, and make sure they are sufficient to be sent to insurance carriers. Teamwork is vital to share the rare cases we face on daily basis, in order to have a reference for similar cases in the future. At some point we needed to be creative on how to log and track the work we receive for quality purposes and reviews. Excellence is always our goal; and for the new submissions task, we achieve excellence by reviewing confirming and issuing client policies within 24 hours of the submission date.


I was already experienced as a trainer, before joining FLINK. I started as an advisor and helped out at the beginning by creating tools and plans to understand concepts better. I had an unconventional way of doing so, but FLINK trusted me and gave me space to showcase my talent using creativity. While teamwork enables us to work in a great and healthy environment, which lets us use everything we can to aspire for excellence using our integrity and responsibility.

How Our Values Are Reflected with Our Clients

People grow, when they feel like they are a part of a cause, a home, rather than just a company. When they feel like it is their company, not just a company they are working for. When we are governed by a set of values, they are externalized into our business with clients. A company’s purpose and values mean nothing, if they are not aligned and integrated with how the company engages and inspired its customers.

Dissecting again our values: integrity, creativity, responsibility, teamwork, and excellence. What is integrity? Integrity is being honest and true to ourselves. We apply integrity in our work ethics; we show up on time, we never make promises we cannot keep, and we keep our word. We mean everything we say; we say everything we mean. We set a good example and lead by it. Responsibility is taking action and delivering what is needed. We never miss deadlines. We start with the challenging tasks and projects, instead of them being the usual gimmick: we take risks, and they are met with success. We organize interactive displays, where we all share ideas and work as a team. A sense of being a family is shared between employees; every employee is appreciated and encouraged. We perform tasks as an entity. Having great team-building days, it comes to no one’s surprise that when employees share a good rapport, they tend to collaborate better.

FLINK, In Depth; The Same, But Also Different

At the end of the day, we offer many insurance processes ranging from claims and accounting, to insurance back-office services. Companies always reflect on the question of whether to insource or outsource. If so, what then should be done as a company and what tasks should be handed to the outsourcer. However, with FLINK, we are a part of you. There is only an “us” in our terminology, a want for clients to reach perfection. Within us as a team, our values govern us, in some ways, even shape us as FLINK; and as such, returning to our clients on a bigger scale. Yes, we are an insurance back-office company; however, when you look closely, we are different. We are you.

“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.” – Simon Sinek, author, Start with Why

Who is FLINK?

FLINK Solutions is an Insurance back office company based in Egypt.

What can FLINK offer?  

Flink as a BPO company offers different services

Due to the company’s geographic location, you will get the work done outside office hours you will get the 24/7 availability that you need. Your employees, during their shifts, will then have the time to focus more on improvement and enhancement, with FLINK taking care of the rest. This way, you get a 24 hour service.



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